Kelly Wove It

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Artist’s city and state.City: Durham
State: North Carolina
Artist website.
The artist’s piece.Ripple – handwoven indigo dyed scarf
The medium used in creating the work.textiles/apparel
Additional details about the piece.This series of scarves explores the technique of woven shibori to create unique dye patterns on handwoven silk using fresh leaf indigo.
About the Artist.Kelly Walsh is a handweaver living and working in Durham, North Carolina. Kelly has always been fascinated by the tactile nature of textiles, and their place in our world as functional useable items. There isn’t one moment of our lives when fabric doesn’t play a role. These every day textiles can and should be elevated by quality materials and dedicated craftsmanship. Whether she is making a one-of-a-kind dyed silk shawl, or a cotton kitchen towel, Kelly applies her skill to ensure that each piece brings joy to your life every moment it is in use.
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