Jolyn Wells-Moran – SASS! Surprise Artists Sunday Sale
Surprise Artists Sunday Sale
Not just a sale, but an event
Opening day only, SURPRISE! 50% OFF of above painting – be the first to email for it between noon and 9 PM, Nov 28, .
SURPRISE! Many paintings at deep discounts — just check the image pages.
SURPRISingly low prices on several works, but you have to find them (hint; open up the image pages individually)
Last day only, SURPRISE giveaway of a free painting on the last day, Dec 4, to the 16thperson to email asking for the surprise giveaway painting
Free shipping within the continental US
One week only
Artists Sunday, Nov. 28 – Dec 4, 2021
This is a part of Artists Sunday.
Support Actual Artists
Artists Sunday
Starts November 28
This is the time of year when we should all forego the vast commercialization of Black Friday by purchasing art directly from actual artists — as gifts for others and ourselves. All artists participating in Artist’s Sunday are showing specials on our websites, some on more days than just that Sunday.
Communities from coast-to-coast, large and small, are celebrating Artists Sunday on Nov 28, 2021 by highlighting local artists, creators and makers and promoting the giving of artistic items and experiences for the holidays.
Preview for a taste here;
- Nov 28 2021
- Expired!
Drawing for free painting — 4PM; must email to enter before 4PM- 12:00 am - 12:00 am
- Organizer Name: Jolyn Wells-Moran
- Event Website:
- City where organizer is located: Shoreline
- State where organizer is located: Washington