Use our press lists to promote your Artists Sunday

Now is the time to get word out to the press about your Artists Sunday plans. To help you out we’ve provided the following press lists, complete with names and email addresses. Use them to announce what you’re doing for Artists Sunday with the press release template and the gift guide template.

Add those reporters and journalists that fit your profile to your press list and make them aware of your Artists Sunday plans. All lists are provided in Microsoft Excel format and also work with Google Sheets. A zip file with all 10 lists is provided at the bottom. 

Alternative Markets Contacts.xlsx
alt newspapers in multiple markets

Art Media Contacts.xlsx
art focused media. Definitely hit this list.

Broad Mainstream Media Contacts.xlsx
Just like it sounds. Large list. 2,200+ names

Business Media Contacts.xlsx
Major business outlets. The WSJ, NYT and many more. 650+ names

Crafts Media Contacts.xlsx
great list for the handmade crafting crowd. 33 names so reach out.

e-commerce Trade Media Contacts.xlsx
If you have an online store send a release here

Local Business Journals across the US.xlsx
Find the journal closest to you and send them your press release

Photography Media Contacts.xlsx
The list for you photographers. Email them your release.

Retail Media Trade Contacts.xlsx
Have a physical retail presence? This list is for you.

Top Mainstream media contacts.xlsx
500+ names including CNN, Good Morning America and more

This zip file contains all 10 of the above lists in one zip file for easy download.
Artists Sunday media lists – all 10