Patron FAQ

Artists Sunday Patron FAQ

Artists Sunday Patron program is designed for commercial companies, which support artists. Patrons could include galleries, art coops, ecommerce sites, vendors, shippers, and others that support artists and the arts and crafts ecosystem.

All Patron applications are subject to approval of the Artists Sunday management team. Approved Patrons receive a free comprehensive marketing toolkit, enabling them to generate buzz and celebrate and promote their love of artists. Read about the program below or sign up here.

Why Artists Sunday?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

Consumers are inundated with Black Friday shopping messages from large retailers during fall holiday season, while art and craft sales cross the country are fragmented down to the individual level, with many individual artists struggling to be heard.  Until now there has been no unified voice, which leads to limited consumer awareness of artists!

Artists Sunday is a unified rallying cry, a national movement & marketing message, uniting individual artists and communities across the country in a singular effort.  A vocal voice of 1,000’s across the country.  All promoting the giving of artist-created gifts during the busiest shopping weekend of the year.

what is Artists Sunday?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

We are a national campaign supported by patrons, partner members and artists across the country, all encouraging shoppers to shop with artists and craftsmen.

Artists Sunday focuses consumer attention on the arts during the holiday shopping season. It highlights artists the first Sunday after Thanksgiving, with the goal of increasing their visibility and increasing their sales.

Explain that to me again?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

Consider it this way: Black Friday is focused on retail, usually big, national retailers. Small Business Saturday is focused on small businesses. Cyber Monday is focused on online sales. Giving Tuesday is focused on charitable giving.

Artists Sunday highlights artists. We are a promotional effort focused exclusively on encouraging people to shop with artists.

who can join the Patron Program?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

Artists Sunday Patrons Program is free for commercial companies in 2021, subject to the approval of Artists Sunday management.

Art galleries, shops, stores and other commercial companies that help support artists are welcome to join and become Patrons.

Artists should join via the Artists Application.

Not for profit organizations should join via the Partners Program.


How much does it cost?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

Participation is completely free to Patrons for 2021, subject to approval of Artists Sunday management.

What does Artists Sunday do?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

We provide promotional support via direct public relations outreach to the national media during the fall holiday season.

In addition, we provide Artists Patrons a downloadable digital packet, a toolkit if you will, that contains graphics, marketing text and directions, everything needed to participate in the Artists Sunday promotion.

Also, Patron members receive recognition on the Artists Sunday web site in our Patron Directory.

How it works?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

Artists Sunday is a national campaign encouraging shoppers to purchase from artists, and give unique, original and handcrafted items as gifts for the holiday season

In early October we provide you with a complete marketing toolkit to reach out to your networks, including artists, consumers and the media.

Use this toolkit to:
– issue a press release
– post on social media
– create an event
– send out emails
– and more (read our blog post about the toolkit)

Engagement timeline

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

September: Organizations who are not already part of the Artists Sunday Partner program, register to become members by September. There is no deadline so later registrations are fine.

October: Artists Sunday Partner members receive their turnkey marketing toolkit assets and event planning materials. Partner members message their artists about their participation in Artists Sunday.

November: Partner members, utilizing their marketing toolkits, message artists, consumers, the media through their available channels.

Do I have to participate on the exact Date?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

No, you not have to host an event or conduct a promotion on the exact day and date of Artists Sunday. Just as major retailers offer Black Friday specials prior to that Friday, Artists Sunday participants are encouraged to offer promotions or an event when it best suites them. We fully expect Artists Sunday events and promotions to take place in and around that time period, not just exclusively on the actual day. Artists Sunday is all about putting artists in the spotlight. 

why support Artists Sunday?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.
  • You are showing a commitment to the arts and the artist and craftsmen in your community.
  • We all want working artists to sell more of their art.
  • Artist Sunday provides a free, turnkey solution to help you promote artists

How do I Sign Up?

November 27, 2022

Helping individual artists thrive.

Commercial companies interested in signing up can do so here.

We’ll ask you a few questions and ask you to agree to our terms of participation.

If you have any additional questions please contact us here.

Artists Sunday Patrons