Engagement Timeline
To amplify your voice and the voice of thousands of other artists and craftsmen, we’ve created this timeline to build a successful promotional campaign.
Before the movement picks up, it’s critical to lay the framework for a successful marketing campaign and to share your voice.
Consider reading our blog post: 20 Ideas on How to Engage Your Community to Support Local Artists
Getting Started
Consider the following immediately after receipt of this Toolkit
Confirm you’re Listed in Our Artist Directory
If your listing on www.ArtistsSunday.com/directory is not as you like it, please refer to your confirmation email when you signed up and click the link there to update your listing. This will help us promote you and keep you in the loop about the latest Artists Sunday updates and news.
Artists Sunday Proclamation Request
Submit an Artists Sunday proclamation request to your city to call attention, commemorate and recognize artists in your community. We’ve provide you a complete Proclamation Request Details Page which includes “how to” details, a Mayor Letter Template and Proclamation for Artists Sunday Template. View the page here and research this process as early as possible. The time it takes to complete a Proclamation depends on the policies and procedures of the specific city or municipal government you are dealing with.
Create an Artist Introductory Video
We recommend creating an introductory artist video to share on your web site and across social media. We are also showcasing artist videos on our Facebook page. Visit our Tips For Creating An Excellent Artist Introduction Video blog post for some best practices in creating a video: https://artistssunday.com/2020/07/16/tips-for-creating-an-excellent-artist-introduction-video/
Download Artists Sunday Social Media Graphics
We’ve created attractive and fun social media graphics for your use. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes for use on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Attach them to your Artists Sunday social media posts to capture attention. You can download them here.
Upload A photo of your Work to the Artists Showcase
We want to showcase Artists Sunday Artists work on the Artists Sunday web site, on social media and in our national public relations campaign. If you would like to be considered for inclusion, please fill out the following form and upload a photo of your work. https://artistssunday.com/upload/
Please pick your best work. Something you are selling this holiday season.
If your photo is selected for use, then you will be given recognition and, where possible, a link to your web site will be included.
Collaborate with Those Who Support You
Check in with other artists in your community as well as organizations in your area that support the arts. Visit the Artists Sunday Partner Directory https://artistssunday.com/partners/ to see if partners in your area are participating. This could be cities, counties, chambers of commerce or clubs or associations. Engage them about Artists Sunday and see if there are opportunities to collaborate. If they’re not already involved in Artists Sunday get them on board at https://artistssunday.com/partner/
Create a Promotion Plan and Goal
Consider a promotion or event. Artists Sunday is your opportunity to shout out about your art: What makes it interesting, unique, decorative, useful, playful, creative, and why people should purchase it during the holiday season?
Determine your message and what you want to tell your audience. How will you engage them this holiday season?
Review our PDF How to Get the Most Out of Your Artists Sunday! regarding promoting your work during Artists Sunday found elsewhere in this Toolkit.
Tell us your Promotional Plan
Once you create a promotional plan or “event” fill out the Artists Sunday Event or Promotion Listing on our web site at https://artistssunday.com/artistlisting/ so we can share the word far and wide.
Create a Calendar Listing.
Many community websites and blogs have an events listing page or events calendar. Use that to your advantage by adding Artists Sunday and what you’re doing to their calendar.
Prep Your Gift Guide Pitch
Use our Gift Guide Pitch Template to pitch your art. If it fits, feel free to tie this into your promotion. Some printed gift guides have longer lead time than others. It’s good to pitch them as early as possible.
Develop your Email Marketing Lists
Figure out who you will target with what messages. Example: your higher-level supporters may have different needs around a call to action than the rest of your general mailing list. We have Email Templates for your use elsewhere in this Toolkit.
Download and Print Posters and Fliers
We’ve created eight beautiful posters that can be printed up to 18 x 24 inches. They also can be printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. They look fantastic hanging in city buildings, store windows, on information boards in coffee shops and wherever else you find suitable. You can download the posters from our Dropbox account at https://bit.ly/ArtistsSundayPosters
Grab Your Badge
An Artists Sunday Featured Artist badge is included in your toolkit. Two options are included. Feel free to use it on your web site, in social media, in newsletter or emails.
Map out your marketing calendar.
Use the following Toolkit sections to document actions on your calendar and get a clear idea of what the next few months will look like.
Review the press release template.
Add #ArtistsSunday and #ShopArt to your social media bios.
Publish the “Save the Date” graphic on your social media platforms.
Build a social media drumbeat.
Grow Your Awareness
October To Do’s
Emails and Social Media Messages and Blog Post
Announce your participation and then remind your audience that the date is approaching.
Refer to the Email Templates, Social Media Templates and Blog Template for your use and get the word out early and often.
Be sure to include promotions@artistssunday.com on your email distribution list.
Open Commissions
Do you accept commissions? In preparation for the holiday rush, open your commissions early. Allow clients to make customized requests that will make their holiday season gifting even more special. Read our Accepting Commission Work: Things to Consider Before Saying Yes article here.
Expand on social media!
There are less than two months to go – tweet, post, snap, share, and do whatever you can to get your voice and art out there. Remember to use the hashtag #ArtistsSunday in your messages so we can share your posts. Use the Social Media Marketing Copy templates found here. We’ve also created a variety of images you can use on social media found here.
Follow Other Artists
Artists Sunday was created by artists for artists. Show some love to your peers! See who else is participating in Artists Sunday at www.ArtistsSunday.com/directory and follow your favorites on social media.
Add Calendar Listings and Invites
Even if you’re not hosting an in-person event! Once you have your lists segmented, you can even customize those calendar invites with specific instructions for different groups (e.g. repeat customers, new followers). It seems simple, but it can help ensure that your people know exactly what to do when the big day comes!
Setup A Facebook Event for Your Promotion
Create a Facebook event for your event – if you’re on Facebook. Details here: https://www.facebook.com/help/572885262883136
Facebook does have certain limitations you have to work within.
Our Facebook event can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/351642112654800/
Tag Artists Sunday
Share what you’re doing so we can build your visibility across social media and in our email channels. Tag @ArtistsSunday on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or use the hashtag #ArtistsSunday.
The November Push
November To Do’s
You do not have to host an event or conduct a promotion on the exact day and date of Artists Sunday (December 1 this year). As most events and promotions will likely be online this year it’s best to spread things out over a couple of days to maximize all possible consumer interaction. Consider a weekend promotion perhaps but anchor it to Dec 1 and Artists Sunday. Artists Sunday participants are encouraged to engage with promotions or an event when it best suits them.
Pitch your Local Press and Send Your Press Release
Announce that you are part of the movement! Start spreading the word about your participation in and plans for Artists Sunday. The more media coverage, the wider word spreads – so pitch your story to TV, radio, and local newspapers. Send out the press release the week of Nov 10th. The Press Release Template is here. If you have existing relationships with the media – it’s best to let them know you’re participating early and then remind them again as the date gets closer.
Last year, almost all of Artists Sunday’s media coverage was from local media showcasing local artists and supportive community art organizations.
Gift Guide Pitch
See how your art fits into various gift guide themes and use our Gift Guide Pitch Template found here to get the word out.
Send Weekly Email Reminders to Your Community Leading up to Artists Sunday.
Make sure they are ready to participate and shop art on the big day!
Thanksgiving Week. This Sunday is Artists Sunday
By now you’ve communicated frequently with your audience but now we’re in the home stretch. This is THE week. Send reminders out (newsletters, email, social media, blog post, web site listing) early in the week letting them know – this Sunday is Artists Sunday. See the email and social templates in this Toolkit.
December 1, 2024 – The Official Day
Remember to update your community about your promotion during the day. If you have a promotion that started prior to the Artists Sunday date – that would be your “Official Kickoff” where you can announce its start and then again use Dec 1 as a renewed opportunity to again make your pitch, talk about you, the movement and art. Use the buzz and momentum from the day.
Tag @ArtistsSunday on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Or use the hashtag #ArtistsSunday so we can shout out and share what you’re doing.
Thank buyers who are purchasing from local artists and craftsmen.
December 1, 2024 – The Day After
Say thank you to your followers, partners, buyers, and community on social media and through email. A big thank you on social media lets everyone know you appreciate the movement.
Email Us and Tell Us How It Went
Email us at promotions@artistssunday.com and let us know the highlights of your promotion and event. Send photos or videos. We’re going to do a round of Artists Sunday highlights and share with the national media and we’d like to consider including what you did.
Share on Social Media
Share the highlights of your Artists Sunday promotion or event on social media. Tag us at @ArtistsSunday or #ArtistsSunday so we can reshare and highlight.
Continuing the Movement
Decmeber To Do’s
The holiday season continues of course. Leverage that and keep engaged across all your communications efforts. We hope sales will continue well into December. Continue to use the momentum from Artists Sunday to boost your end-of-year or holiday campaign.
We want to hear about your success! Email the Artists Sunday team at promotions@artistssunday.com with your details, high-resolution photos, or announcements we can share.
Artists Sunday isn’t just a day.
It’s a movement that goes beyond just a Sunday.
Thank you for being part of the Artists Sunday movement!